
Showing posts from July, 2018

Listening to Your Heart Part 4

The Day of the Funeral... What a day! We arrive at the church before the visitation around 9:30am-ish. As soon as I walked in to the Sanctuary there hanging on a easel was a tapestry blanket with a big picture of my Dad on it and it was Navy themed. It was beautiful! The funeral did that because my Dad was a veteran. Very sweet. Today the blanket is on my mother's bed at her assisted living home.  She has always adored that blanket and I don't blame her. It has her hubby bigger than life on it! We put up all the photos my family had prepared for this day and what did I do? I forgot the flowers for the family to put on the casket at the grave site! I believe Donovan saved the day and went and got some from the local grocery store. It was really different seeing my dad there at the church then at the funeral home the evening before. He just seemed more peaceful. He always wanted to get better so he could go back to church. He loved serving the Lord and telling others about Je