Listening to Your Heart Part 2

After arriving in Florida the day my father passed away is a little blurry because it was evening and I was already emotionally exhausted. I do remember talking to my mother and this is what she told me. She said that He woke up in the middle of the night and was telling her certain things to do, that I would take care of things, and that it would be okay. I don't think my mother realized that he was really going to go. I am sure that she was a little in shock. I do remember her also saying that she just had to keep rubbing my Dad's arms because they hurt so much. Then she went back to sleep and Dad went home to be with Jesus.

My parents had been married for 49 years. They have had their ups and downs. One thing I do know is that they both knew Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and served God faithfully. Mom was faithful to Dad to the end, taking care of his needs, not thinking of herself, because truly she had not been taking care of herself. She loved my Dad so much she just gave her all to make sure he was okay.

To me this is a picture of Christ. Jesus served us, His church, to the very end. He taught, He healed, He loved, He cried (John 11:35), He had compassion and He sacrificed Himself for us. The ultimate sacrifice so that if we trust in Him, we too can go home to be with Jesus someday.

God wants us to follow after Jesus and walk in His ways. He wants us to serve others, to love, to have compassion, to cry for the lost, to pray for healing, to teach others about Him and what He has done for us. That is the good news of Jesus Christ. He died, was buried in a tomb, and rose three days later so that you and I could live with Him forever. All we have to do is accept Him.

We all sin. Sin separates us from God and sin has to be punished (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Jesus took that punishment for our sins the days He died on the cross. He loved us all so much. So much!

Let me ask you, have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? or are you still rejecting His free gift to you? It is simple. Don't make it hard. You don't have to do anything to gain this. Just take it like you would if I were to give you a gift for your birthday. You don't have to pay or do anything to get your birthday gift, all you have to do it accept it. All you have to do is accept Him, then live for Him and see what He can do with you. He has a plan and a purpose for your life. It is a great day to start new and fresh as a child of God. Will it always be easy? No. But He will always be right there beside you.

My Dad told people about Jesus where ever he went and I want to make sure that He continues doing so. I will see you next time in Listening to Your Heart.

Are you really listening? Is He calling you to come home to Him Today? If you already have accepted Him, is He calling you to let go of other things and draw back closer to Him? Are there areas in your life that you need Him to help you with? Child of God, He is waiting for you.


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