Go For the Gold Olympic Bible Series for Children's Ministry

Right before the Olympics were getting ready to start, God gave me the idea to do an Olympic Series called Go For the Gold for our Wednesday night children's program at church. Each lesson focuses on a person in the Bible that was an Olympian for God. Tonight I will post about the first lesson. This is my outline for the lesson.

David, the Olympian for God

Verse: He only is my rock and my salvation: He is my defense; I shall not be moved. Psalm 62:6

The Situation:
I Samuel 17: 1-2
·      The Israelites vs. the Philistines
 The Problem:
I Samuel 17:3-11
·      Goliath
·      10 feet Tall
·      Armor: helmet of bronze, coat of metal scales weighing 78 pounds, bronze armor on his    legs, javelin of bronze between his shoulders with the spear's head weighing 15 pounds.
·      Defied the ranks of Israel.
·      Challenged for one man to fight him.
I Samuel 17:13-16
·      Jesse’s sons, the 3 oldest, Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah followed Saul to battle
·      David went back and forth from Saul to feed his father’s sheep
·      The Taunting of Goliath went on for 40 days.
I Samuel 17:17-23
·      Jesse sent David to his brothers with food, parched grain and ten loaves of bread.
·      Goliath came out again

The Olympian:
I Samuel 17:24-27
·      David inquires of accepting the challenge of the man that defies the armies of the living God.
·      Gift of the king’s daughter Michal, make father’s house free in Israel.
I Samuel 17:31-37
·      Saul hears about David wanting to fight Goliath, questions his youth.
·      David tells of killing lion and bear; The Lord delivered him then he will deliver him from the philistine.
The Equipment:
I Samuel 17:38-40
·      Helmet of bronze, coat of mail, sword, not going to work for David.
·      5 smooth stones.
·      Sling
 The Battle:
I Samuel 17:41-51
·      Goliath taunted David.   
·      David stood up and defended his Lord.
·      David killed Goliath with one stone.
·      Cut off his head with Goliath’s own sword.
 The Gold Medal Winner:
I Samuel 17:52-552
·      David was the winner! Israel is the winner!

Craft: You will need one smooth stone for each child, metallic gold paint, paintbrushes, and old t-shirts to put on children. I typed out the verse and put them in snack bags so the children could take the rocks home in them. The paint takes a little bit to dry especially if there are globs of paint on the rock. I would suggest doing the craft first, or letting them dry and they take home the next week. My daughter's was still wet and we put it in her bag and the next day it was dry and we were able to take it out. It sets on top of our cork board as a reminder that God is our rock just as He used the rock through David to defeat Goliath. He will be our rock and defense to help us defeat the problems in this world. 

Star's Rock

Game: We played an Olympic Torch Relay. I made a Torch from a toilet paper roll, small paper plate, and red and yellow tissue paper. The children split up into 2 teams and ran the relay passing the torch.
I found the torch idea on Pinterest. Mine is a little different which I will have to post a pic later but you get the basic idea. 

All in all you can set up the night best for you. We only have an hour and we feed our kids pizza when they come in so everything has to be ready to go. Here is what our schedule looked like for this night.

And we also had a coloring sheet with snack time at the end of the night.

In Word I covered the 2012 and Olympic Rings and put Go for the Gold at the top. When I get a chance I will change the coloring page to that.

It was a very fun night and I know the children have not forgotten it because of the gold rocks. Whenever we review, they mention the gold rocks. When I get some more time I will post the next 2 lessons we did. I hope you enjoyed the Olympic season as much as we did. We especially liked watching gymnastics and swimming.

Have a blessed day!


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