Time With Family: Noah and the Ark

This evening I wanted to spend some time with my daughter. She loves to draw and do crafts. I asked her what one of her favorite Bible characters were and she said Noah. So that is what we based our activity time around. 

I opened the Bible to Genesis 6:9 to read the beginning of the event of Noah and the building of the ark. I want you to think about not calling this a story but rather an event that actually happened. Kids hear many stories but the events that happened in the Bible that are often called stories really happened and they need to have that set in their mind, It is not a fairy tale but a real, actual event that happened.

Genesis 6:16

So this is how we started our drawings:So we started by looking at how Noah was to build the ark. There was to be roof, a side door, and 3 levels.

My Daughters Levels

Mine is on the right.

The next thing was to  draw the animals in the ark. My daughter, which I will call Star, used stencils to draw circles and squares to be able to draw her animals in.

Genesis 6:19-20

Here are some pictures of her animals.

This was a fun time working together and talking about the animals and creating something that we know actually happened in the Bible. I posted this tonight to encourage you in spending more time with your children or family. On a Saturday evening my flesh just wants to be a couch potato and watch Netflix for the rest of the evening but the Holy Spirit reminds me that this time with my daughter is important. I am to train up my child in the ways of the Lord and what better way to do that with a Bible drawing/craft. I encourage you to find sometime this week to take an hour or half an hour at the least to do something fun with your child or family that involves a character from the Bible. Here are our finished products which Star deemed fridge worthy after we were done.

Star's Beautiful Ark

My finished product. Fun Stuff!


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