Listening to Your Heart Part 3

Grief. Just one word that says a whole lot. We all go through it at one time or another and we all deal with it in different ways. The loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, a job that you loved, moving, being hurt by another, the list could go on and on.

The next job to do was get everything ready for the funeral. So I took mom to the funeral home and we proceeded to pick out the vault, casket, and all the things that you have to do when you are going to bury someone. It didn't really seem to phase mom. She just sat there while me and my niece looked at caskets and vaults. I really wonder what was going through her mind at that moment. What could she possibly be thinking about? I do know one thing, she wanted to see Dad.

Mom finally seeing Dad
the day before the funeral,
What was going through my mind? That's the thing, I wouldn't let anything go through except for getting the job done that had to be done. I just couldn't think about what was really happening and what had really happened. It almost seems like an angel was carrying me through because that is the only way I got through that moment, with God's help. I had to be strong for my mom, for my family. I had to make sure that Dad had the funeral that he deserved. I just wasn't ready to deal with grief.

The funeral home finally had Dad ready so Mom could go see him before the day of the funeral. She talked to him, touched his hands, face, and even kissed him. She didn't want to leave him. Yes, we took pictures of Dad in the casket with Mom, but I didn't show it because not all people who will read this will be okay with that. I have found that it doesn't bother me anymore.

My husband, Donovan, his mother died of cancer a couple of years before my Dad and we were around her in the coffin so much it didn't phase me. Believe me I used to not be able to handle it, but after family passes and so many church family passes you start seeing it in a whole new light. That really is just their shell. Their soul has gone on to be with the Lord, that is if they trusted Christ as their Savior.  When it came to my Dad, well I absolutely knew and know where he is. Why he had a smile on his face when he passed. I know he was seeing His Savior.
I used to be so scared of funerals but after being to so many and especially those that are Christians the reality is and will always be this world is not my home.

Back to Grief. G-R-I-E-F. Yes, that word. I have never dealt with it so much as in the loss of my father. It was going to take some time, but yes, I was going to meet it and deal with it many times over.
Here are my last words for this post today. You have to find a healthy way to deal with it! We will talk more about that later. But remember, it comes in all shapes and sizes. One thing my counselor reminds me of is that any change you have in your life is loss and loss equals grief. So if you are already dealing with it, little things can impact it even more.

I trust in the Lord will all my heart and lean not unto my own understandings, In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He will direct my paths. (Proverbs 3:5, 6) No matter what you are dealing with remember He is always there. Trust Him. Let Him take control. Find sense in all that fogginess in your mind. It takes time but you will get there.
Until the next time (and I won't be so long in posting, hey I have been dealing with a lot of grief!),


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