An Act of Missions

My daughter came home from school one day last week and told me about how her teacher's CD player was on the fritz. She said they could sing their Bible songs but no music to sing with.

I know how much my daughter loves to sing, especially Bible songs.  I catch her many a time singing them around the house. So I knew this was not the end of the discussion.

She asked if we could get one for her teacher. At first, I wasn't sure that we could but then I remembered something, giving a CD player to her teacher would be an act of missions.  Missions giving!
Why did that excite me? Because we have a missions giving budget. Every paycheck we put aside money for different things and missions is one of them.

I was very excited to tell my daughter that we could and why. She was Uber excited!
So on Friday we got the CD player. But that is not where it stopped. She wanted to wrap it!  How fun would that be to bring  a wrapped gift for her teacher!!!!

So wrapped she did and beautifully I must say. I wish I took a picture but I forgot.  But I did take a picture of the card she made her teacher and it melted my heart.

So this morning we surprised her teacher and surprised she was and my daughter felt the joy of Jesus for giving to her class in need of a new CD player. What a blessing this was to my heart and I am sure to her teacher as well.

My encouragement to you today, is first, to be mission minded, like setting aside money for missions and second to broaden the horizon of your giving. You just never know where you can touch someone else's life by one simple act of giving. Missions giving. And this becomes an act of worshipping our Creator.


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