We Were Created to Worship

Psalm 46:1 says God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. In today's world there is a lot of trouble. The media focuses on these troubles and people forget to look in depth to the root of what is really going on. We were all created to worship. Created to worship our Creator alone.

All of my life I have always known that God loved me and created me the way He planned me to be. He knew the color of my eyes, hair, and skin before I was even conceived. He knows the numbers of hairs on my head. And He knew exactly where I was going to be today.

Once I trusted Christ as my Savior, I have always wanted to serve Him with my whole heart and life. I never thought I would be serving Him as a Pastor's wife, singing in church, playing the piano in church, or teaching kids to love God and His Word. I never thought I would write music for Him either. But that is another subject for another day.

The focus for this blog is to share with you my experiences, ideas, happenings, etc. in this quest for worshiping my creator with you my friends. Sometimes God presses things on my heart so deeply I know I need to share. I hope that you will converse or share ideas or impressions of your own. But most importantly, I hope that you know God personally and see Him as the Creator that is to be worshiped with your whole life.

I will leave you with this scripture: Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow faint or grow weary; His understanding is unsearchable. Isaiah 40:28


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