Listening to Your Heart

It isn't everyday that your life can change in an instant, but this year in early January that is what happened to me. That life changing event was the passing of my father. It was and wasn't expected. He had been sick in the hospital starting in October 2016, transferred to a rehab facility and was there until early December when he came home. He made it like He was getting better and was working real hard in physical therapy so he could walk good on his own, but he really wasn't letting on to how much pain he was really in.

My Dad and Mom

The morning I learned that he had went home to Glory, I just turned onto the road that my work was on. I was kind of in shock, because all I was told at that time was that he was not responsive. In reality, he had passed early in the morning before my mom woke up and realized he wasn't waking up. I had quick decisions to make for I would be responsible for all Dad's stuff. I got on the first flight out and was there as quick as I could.

On the plane I had the window seat which was a blessing. During that flight I wrote a song for the Lord. Writing music gives me great comfort and peace. So this is where I am going to stop today and ask you what do you do that gives you great comfort, peace, and draws you closer to God? Is it music? Is it writing in a journal? Is it cleaning your house? Is it doing something nice for your elderly neighbor? What really gives you that comfort, that peace, and that closeness we all strive for everyday?

God wants us to experience this daily. He wants us to be close to Him. What will it take for you to stop and find that exact thing that can do just that.

I will continue talking about this new journey I have been on in the next posting of Listening to Your Heart.We serve a great and wonderful Creator who loves us all. What are you going to do with that?


  1. Your feelings are very well translated, I know that if feelings of remorse are not channeled in a positive manner, the negative can consume you. Dad is still doing his work for God by speaking through those He loved.


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