
Listening to Your Heart Part 4

The Day of the Funeral... What a day! We arrive at the church before the visitation around 9:30am-ish. As soon as I walked in to the Sanctuary there hanging on a easel was a tapestry blanket with a big picture of my Dad on it and it was Navy themed. It was beautiful! The funeral did that because my Dad was a veteran. Very sweet. Today the blanket is on my mother's bed at her assisted living home.  She has always adored that blanket and I don't blame her. It has her hubby bigger than life on it! We put up all the photos my family had prepared for this day and what did I do? I forgot the flowers for the family to put on the casket at the grave site! I believe Donovan saved the day and went and got some from the local grocery store. It was really different seeing my dad there at the church then at the funeral home the evening before. He just seemed more peaceful. He always wanted to get better so he could go back to church. He loved serving the Lord and telling others about Je

Listening to Your Heart Part 3

Grief. Just one word that says a whole lot. We all go through it at one time or another and we all deal with it in different ways. The loss of a loved one, a beloved pet, a job that you loved, moving, being hurt by another, the list could go on and on. The next job to do was get everything ready for the funeral. So I took mom to the funeral home and we proceeded to pick out the vault, casket, and all the things that you have to do when you are going to bury someone. It didn't really seem to phase mom. She just sat there while me and my niece looked at caskets and vaults. I really wonder what was going through her mind at that moment. What could she possibly be thinking about? I do know one thing, she wanted to see Dad. Mom finally seeing Dad the day before the funeral, What was going through my mind? That's the thing, I wouldn't let anything go through except for getting the job done that had to be done. I just couldn't think about what was really happening and

Listening to Your Heart Part 2

After arriving in Florida the day my father passed away is a little blurry because it was evening and I was already emotionally exhausted. I do remember talking to my mother and this is what she told me. She said that He woke up in the middle of the night and was telling her certain things to do, that I would take care of things, and that it would be okay. I don't think my mother realized that he was really going to go. I am sure that she was a little in shock. I do remember her also saying that she just had to keep rubbing my Dad's arms because they hurt so much. Then she went back to sleep and Dad went home to be with Jesus. My parents had been married for 49 years. They have had their ups and downs. One thing I do know is that they both knew Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord and served God faithfully. Mom was faithful to Dad to the end, taking care of his needs, not thinking of herself, because truly she had not been taking care of herself. She loved my Dad so much she

Listening to Your Heart

It isn't everyday that your life can change in an instant, but this year in early January that is what happened to me. That life changing event was the passing of my father. It was and wasn't expected. He had been sick in the hospital starting in October 2016, transferred to a rehab facility and was there until early December when he came home. He made it like He was getting better and was working real hard in physical therapy so he could walk good on his own, but he really wasn't letting on to how much pain he was really in. My Dad and Mom The morning I learned that he had went home to Glory, I just turned onto the road that my work was on. I was kind of in shock, because all I was told at that time was that he was not responsive. In reality, he had passed early in the morning before my mom woke up and realized he wasn't waking up. I had quick decisions to make for I would be responsible for all Dad's stuff. I got on the first flight out and was there as qui

Go For the Gold Olympic Bible Series for Children's Ministry

Right before the Olympics were getting ready to start, God gave me the idea to do an Olympic Series called Go For the Gold for our Wednesday night children's program at church. Each lesson focuses on a person in the Bible that was an Olympian for God. Tonight I will post about the first lesson. This is my outline for the lesson. David, the Olympian for God Verse: He only is my rock and my salvation: He is my defense; I shall not be moved. Psalm 62:6 T he Situation: I Samuel 17: 1-2 ·       The  Israelites  vs. the Philistines   The Problem: I Samuel 17:3-11 ·       Goliath ·       10 feet Tall ·       Armor: helmet of bronze, coat of metal scales weighing 78 pounds, bronze armor on his    legs, javelin of bronze between his shoulders with the spear's head weighing 15 pounds. ·       Defied the ranks of Israel. ·       Challenged for one man to fight him. I Samuel 17:13-16 ·       Jesse’s sons, the 3 oldest, Eliab, Abinadab, and Shammah followed

An Act of Missions

My daughter came home from school one day last week and told me about how her teacher's CD player was on the fritz. She said they could sing their Bible songs but no music to sing with. I know how much my daughter loves to sing, especially Bible songs.  I catch her many a time singing them around the house. So I knew this was not the end of the discussion. She asked if we could get one for her teacher. At first, I wasn't sure that we could but then I remembered something, giving a CD player to her teacher would be an act of missions.  Missions giving! Why did that excite me? Because we have a missions giving budget. Every paycheck we put aside money for different things and missions is one of them. I was very excited to tell my daughter that we could and why. She was Uber excited! So on Friday we got the CD player. But that is not where it stopped. She wanted to wrap it!  How fun would that be to bring  a wrapped gift for her teacher!!!! So wrapped she did and beautifully

Time With Family: Noah and the Ark

This evening I wanted to spend some time with my daughter. She loves to draw and do crafts. I asked her what one of her favorite Bible characters were and she said Noah. So that is what we based our activity time around.  I opened the Bible to Genesis 6:9 to read the beginning of the event of Noah and the building of the ark. I want you to think about not calling this a story but rather an event that actually happened. Kids hear many stories but the events that happened in the Bible that are often called stories really happened and they need to have that set in their mind, It is not a fairy tale but a real, actual event that happened. Genesis 6:16 So this is how we started our drawings: So we started by looking at how Noah was to build the ark. There was to be roof, a side door, and 3 levels. My Daughters Levels Mine is on the right. The next thing was to  draw the animals in the ark. My daughter, which I will call Star, used stencils to draw circles and square